Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reynolds Wrapped Up In A Very Costly Hug

Posted: Friday, Sept. 5, 2008
WITH GUSTAV slowly passing into oblivion and while awaiting Hanna, Ike and Josephine to make major assaults on the eastern part of North America, it gives me a brief chance to bring up another notable subject: BASEBALL.
That’s right, the vicious weather had been an occupational hazard until yesterday when I got out the dust-covered slide rule and tried to calculate whether my beloved Boston Red Sox could catch the Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays in the American League East. They were three off the pace when I last looked with the New York Yankees actually 10 behind.
And in the National Central, my Chicago Cubs were 4.5 games ahead of the Milwaukee Brewers.
However, believe it or not, another question kept nagging at me: Whatever happened to Harold Reynolds? You were wondering that, too?
So it hasn’t bothered you? But some of the strangest thoughts throw me a curveball like that when least expected.
I knew the former All-Star second baseman-turned-broadcaster had been fired in July 2006 for … of all things -- HUGGING.
So I chased down a column about the situation and it started this way:
Are you a hugger? If you are, you better watch out, Bub.That's right, just when you thought the world was gaining a sliver of sanity and legal settlements had reached a pinnacle of banal stupidity, breaking news has proved you wrong again, Ol' Onion Breath.
If you recall, a report broke of Reynolds being sent to the outer reaches of Siberia, for what he called "giving a woman a hug," that he felt was "misinterpreted."
However, was that the real reason? Maybe. Maybe not, for Reynolds apparently told USA Today he was ousted because: "They (ESPN suits) made a decision to have a change in direction. I respect their decision, but I don't necessarily agree with it."
So those two viewpoints seemed to have settled the issue.
The legal beagles such as Reynolds' Connecticut lawyer, Joseph Garrison, then entered the fray and Reynolds has now sued ESPN for at least US$5 million with Garrison being quoted as saying, "moral turpitude, in my opinion, is not reflected by an innocuous hug. I think the case is very strong."
At least that's what the lawyer said.
When I went chasing down the lawsuit wording on the Smoking website, Reynolds, who claims he doesn't drink, smoke, or use foul language, contends that, at the time of the "brief hug," the intern "never expressed any discomfort" and that she had dinner with him that same evening at a Boston Market restaurant.
Reynolds, who seems to be one of the truly nice guys on TV, went the legal route in seeking a bundle, for he had just signed a new six-year deal with the sports network.
That was the story in 2006. So what happened to Reynolds since then?
In mid-April 2008, there was a brief item that the two sides – Reynolds and ESPN – had settled the issue although no terms were ever divulged.
Reynolds had this to say: “My family and I are ecstatic … This is a matter of principle and never wavered. All my goals were met, and now I look forward to concentrating on the game I love.”
And then the ESPN spokesman came back with this one: “The settlement was a fraction of his demands and substantially less than what it would have cost to litigate the case …” It was followed by a stream of legalese.
Where did that leave Reynolds? On April 24, the New York Daily News reported Reynolds had been hired by SportsNet New York as a “studio analyst on Mets telecasts.”
So as I was asking: Are YOU a hugger?
When the subject came up again, I remembered a "study" and it went like this:The Basic Essentials of Life -- 1. Air; 2. Food; 3. Water. 4. Hugging; 5. Clothing; 6. Shelter.
Apparently, scientific research has shown every human being needs four hugs per day merely to survive; eight hugs per day to maintain oneself at a strong emotional level; 12 hugs per day to grow; and a hug can take many forms -- an embrace, a kind word, a touch, a loving smile.
Before I became too immersed in this sugary pool of huggydom, a senior expert, hesitatingly, had these words to say:
"Hugging is okay when one gets older. It's recommended."
At least that's what my 92-year-old mother told me.
THOUGHTS FROM MARK TWAIN (From Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader): “The principle difference between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives” … “It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt” … “The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between ‘lightning’ and ‘lightning bug.’”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Those hurricanes and strange conspiracy theories

WITH GUSTAV sinking into the Louisiana swamps and a flood of potentially dangerous hurricanes looming on the dark horizon in the next 10 days, it’s only a matter of time before the conspiracy theorists present their case (s).
Will everyone from the Russians to aliens from outer space to a roomful of mad scientists be blamed for such weather catastrophes?
When I thought that was “sick” thinking on my part, I went searching the Net and found out about a meteorologist in Pocatello, Idaho, who reportedly claimed that Japanese gangsters known as the Yakuza caused Hurricane Katrina. It’s the one which devastated New Orleans back in 2005.
Of course, whether that “meteorologist’s” tale has some fact behind it is another matter. This Idaho hot “potato” apparently was convinced “it was caused by electromagnetic generators from ground-based microwave transmitters.”
However, conspiracy theories have been around for centuries as I detailed in a column from a couple of years ago. In fact, they have become an epidemic.
You don't believe me?In 2001, the BBC reported, “when historic events shake our world, conspiracy theories are seldom far behind,” and then proceeded to outline some of those "theories" that the moon landing was faked; Princess Di was murdered; and the granddaddies of them all, that “JFK was the victim of an elaborate CIA assassination plot.”
Well, JFK probably wasn't the “granddaddy” of conspiracies for Honest Abe Lincoln's assassination in the 1860s also had more than a tinge of conspiracy.
In order to pacify my restless curiosity, I went searching for the wackiest conspiracy theories on the Net. In order to save you the trouble of looking behind every closet door or down every spooky alleyway, here they are:
* The world is controlled by dinosauroid-like alien reptiles. These "reptiles," direct from the constellation Draco, must consume human blood to keep their human appearance. And how come you know that, Corbett? Well, a BBC reporter named David Icke said so. And one more thing, Christine Fitzgerald, supposedly a confidante of the late Lady Di, said the princess claimed the Royal Family were reptilian aliens.
* NASA faked the Apollo 11 moon landings. So you've heard that one before, have you? The main reason there was no such historic event(s) was those moon boys could never have survived the journey because of exposure to radiation. And what's more there are no stars in any of the photos. So it must be the truth.
* An another one, which has slipped past the Ol' Columnist, is the one about the U.S. government in Washington, D.C., with the assistance of Israel, and/or Iraq, planning those 9/11 attacks. Of course, it seems plausible since the Twin Towers fell straight down. And the entire conspiracy scenario hinges on the fact that Flight 77 flew towards the Pentagon for 40 minutes without being intercepted.
* You better watch out when shopping for those barcodes are really used to control people. And, another major "fact" -- they could be Satanic in nature. So now you know.
* Another historical "fact" was the Early Middle Ages (500-1000 AD) never occurred and Charlemagne never existed. What happened to him, I don't know even though I learned about him in school. Of course, he was a figment of my imagination.
* Area 51 in the Roswell, New Mexico area is the place where extraterrestrials and we, humans, communicate in planning advanced technology. So you believe that one, too?
* The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was "manufactured" by the Americans and their cohorts by the use of electromagnetic pulse technology. Now some Arab news services believe that and passed it on, so who am I to doubt it?
* And then there's the one that before the U.S. landed on the moon in the late 1960s, the Nazis already had a moon base there, and get this, as far back as 1942.
The reason the masses embrace those conspiracy theories, even the ones that sound logical, is it gives misery and injustice an identity and makes life more bearable, according to magazine writer Jeffrey Bale.
“Conspiracy theories account for current crises and upheavals and explain why bad things are happening to good people or vice versa,” he once told BBC News.
So what about the latest flood of hurricanes, starting with Gustav, and followed by Hanna, Ike, Josephine, Kyle, Laura, etc., etc.?
Perhaps, a devious scheme disrupted the Republican convention in Minnesota with horrible weather.
Maybe, the conspiracy theorists will put out that statement – and soon.
After all, they are always in session and in season.